Bethany Covenant Alive Ministries Greater Dimensions Healing Ministry

Greater Dimensions Healing Ministry, like all other ministries under our administration, flows out of a knowledge and understanding of God and His Divine Order.

Healing is a matter of aligning and realigning with His Divine Will that flows through all creation, even our natural physical bodies. God does not break His own vessels; He does not create sicknesses to make us stop destructive behaviours or lifestyles. We can begin a healing process each time we deeply consider a God who is love, truth and mercy.

It is true that visible manifestations of healing occur when a gift of healing is in operation; when there are souls in intercession present; when the Divine Will is satisfied and the laying on of hands is applied.

The gift of faith and the operation of that faith, makes the healing possible. This overcoming and prevailing faith pleases God and sets in motion every healing and all miracles.

You will be encouraged and blessed by the testimonies of those who have experienced this extraordinary gift from God which we know as healing.

View Some Of The Testimonies From Persons Being Healed At Bethany 

There is no one method of healing that we work with exclusively but the knowledge of the Word of God is essentially supreme, the Name of Jesus Christ and his mission, the working of faith.