Prayer Focus
Prayer/ Intercession for Families
Prayer Focus For The Month of June
Dear Bethany and Friends,
The following is a description of a prayer program for the month of June. We must keep alive this vital ministry of prayer! As you follow through on this Prayer Focus, ask the help of the Holy Spirit in selecting the families you need on your list.
Prayer Focus/ Month of June
1. Each person to select 5 to 10 families, may include neighbors as well.
2. Write out your list of families.
3. Prayer Components:
a. Pray the Righteousness of Christ into their situations and into their lives → This will ensure that their thoughts and actions will be in order and no evil will befall them.
b. In the same manner pray for Peace from the Prince of Peace (you know the benefit of this) → This is a reward for praying Righteousness and will ensure that the Peace of God brings about order in their daily lives.
c. Pray now for the Abundance of Unconditional Perfect and Infinite Love of Christ in the family and between the members → This will ensure harmonious living and agreement among family members. Then the Peace of God will manifest itself in their daily lives.
Stay in contact for support and with your testimonies!!!
Be strengthened in yourself as you do this…
Consistency is the Key to Success in Prayer!!
Apostle Dr Eurica Stewart
- We welcome your participation in this Prayer Focus
- Consistency is the Key to Success in Prayer
- Share Your Testimonies – Click Here
- Teaching Healing Prayer All Begins with Praying in Agreement
- If you don’t know how to pray for the Righteousness or Peace or Abundance of Christ over a Family Click Here or Click Contact Us and Ask How
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